Terry Sunderland spoke to ‘The Runner’ on COP 26, 2021


What needs to happen is to follow through on those commitments. All of us on an individual, community, national, and global level. Those commitments need to be respected. There is hope. This is front-page news, this is a very timely storm. We had the heat dome, a tornado last week, now we’ve got this conference. It’s a good reminder that these issues are real and we should take them seriously.

Terry Sunderland shared his thoughts on COP 26 with ‘The Runner‘. He attended the yearly United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) in Glasgow, Scotland earlier this month, where leaders from 120 countries spent 15 days negotiated an agreement on how to lower emissions and transfer into a low carbon, or carbon neutral economy.  Please see the link here for the full interview.