

  1. Reed, J., Ros-Tonen, M. A., Adeyanju, S., Arimiyaw, A. W., Asubonteng, K., Baatuwie, B. N., … &; Sunderland, T. (2024). From conflict to collaboration through inclusive landscape governance: Evidence from a contested landscape in Ghana. Global Environmental Change, 88, 102909.
  2. Liang, D., S. Fakheran, K. Moombe, F. Siangulube, J. Reed & T. Sunderland. 2024. Monitoring Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and its Impacts on Ecosystem Services in Southern ZambiaEnvironmental Research Communications6: 045004.
  3. Sunderland, T. & J. Reed. 2024. Integrated landscape approaches to reconcile competing land uses. ResAlliance.
  4. Yanou, M., M. Ros-Tonen, J. Reed & T. Sunderland. 2024. The hybridisation, resilience and loss of local knowledge and natural resource management in Zambia. Human Ecology.
  5. Reed, J., J. Barlow, R. Carmenta, S. Fakheran, A. Ickowitz & T. Sunderland. 2024. Social justice and inclusive conservation must guide GBF implementation. EcoEvoRxiv.
  6. Yang G., C. Zohner, G. Smith, W. Blaser-Hart, C. Dupraz, S. Fakheran, A. González-Chaves, A. Ickowitz, S. Jose, S. Kay, Y. Liang, D. Maynard, K. de Mello, J. Reed, J. Smith, T. Sunderland, A. Walter, Y. Yamamoto, L. Ziska & T. Crowther. 2024. Protecting forests and trees is essential for global agricultural productivity. EcoEvoRxiv.
  7. Reed, J., M. Ros-Tonen, S. Adeyanju, A. Arimiyaw, K. Asubonteng, B. Baatuwie, E. Bayala, D. Tom-Dery, A. Ickowitz, Y. Issaka, K. Moombe, J. Mumuni, G. Wakesho, M. Zida & T. Sunderland. 2024. From conflict to collaboration through inclusive landscape governance: Evidence from a contested landscape in Ghana. Global Environmental Change, 88:102909.
  8. Slik et al. (including T. Sunderland) 2024. Wind dispersed trees have great maximum height. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
  9. Asuk, S.,  J. Wayman, J. Sadler, T. Pugh, T. Matthews, V. Ebu, O. Phillips, S. Lewis, B. Sonké, J. Talbot, J. Comiskey, L. Zemagho, L. Ojo, S. Begne, H. Taedoumg, T. Sunderland, W. Hubau, V. Droissart, L. Qie, M. Gilpin, M. Simo-Droissart, T. Feldpausch, K. Peh, M. Kamdem & N. Kettridge. 2024. Human and Environmental Factors Shape Tree Species Assemblages in West African Tropical Forests. Qeios. G6BT6R.
  10. Liang, D., S. Fakheran, K. Moombe, F. Siangulube, J. Reed & T. Sunderland. 2024. Monitoring Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and its Impacts on Ecosystem Services in Southern Zambia. Environmental Research Communications.
  11. Ahammad, R., S. Tomscha , S. Gergel, F. Baudron, J.-Y. Duriaux Chavarría, S. Foli, D. Gumbo, D. Rowland, J. Van Vianen & T. Sunderland. 2024. Do provisioning ecosystem services use change along gradients of increasing agricultural production? Landscape Ecology, 39(5).
  12. Cooper et al. (including T.Sunderland) 2024. Consistent pattern of common species across tropical forest tree communities. Nature, 625:728-734.
  13. Bayala, E. M Ros-Tonen, M Yanou, H. Djoudi, J. Reed & T. Sunderland. 2024. Towards more inclusive community landscape governance: Drivers and assessment indicators in northern Ghana. Forest Policy and Economics, 159: 103138


  1. Feng, F. & T. Sunderland. 2023. Feasibility of Tea/Tree Intercropping Plantations on Soil Ecological Service Function in ChinaAgronomy, 13, 1548.
  2. Cunningham, A.B., K. Meuer & T. Sunderland. 2023. CITES and Prunus africana bark harvest: Rules, rhetoric and the realities of sustaining international trade. In: Cordonier Segger, M.-C. & A. Wardell (eds). CITES as a Tool for Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press, pp113-130.
  3. Sutherland, I., D. Rowland, J. van Vianen, I. Palomo, U. Pascal, A. Mathys & T. Sunderland.2023. Use, value, and desire: ecosystem services under agricultural intensification in a changing landscape in West Kalimantan (Indonesia). Regional Environmental Change, 23: 148.
  4. Yanou, M., M. Ros-Tonen, J. Reed & T. Sunderland. 2023. Integrating local and scientific knowledge: The need for decolonizing knowledge for conservation and natural resource management. Heliyon, e21785.
  5. Siangulube, F., M. Ros-Tonen, J. Reed, K. Moombe & T. Sunderland. 2023. Multi-stakeholder platforms for integrated landscape governance: The case of Kalomo District, Zambia. Land Use Policy, 135: 106944.
  6. Rasmussen, L., B. den Braber, C. Hall, J. Rhemtulla, M. Fagan & T. Sunderland. 2023. Forest regrowth improves people’s dietary quality in Nigeria. NPJ Sustainable Agriculture, 1:3.
  7. Adeyanju, S., N. Edum, J. Reed, M. Ros-Tonen & T. Sunderland. Are alternative livelihood projects effective at improving human well-being or reducing poverty in the context of community-based conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa? A Systematic Review Protocol. PROCEED-23-00134.
  8. Sunderland, T. 2023. Wild foods’ role in human diets. Nature Food, 4: 456-457.
  9. Feng, F. & T. Sunderland. 2023. Feasibility of Tea/Tree Intercropping Plantations on Soil Ecological Service Function in China. Agronomy, 13, 1548.
  10. Minter, T., D. Naito & T. Sunderland. 2023. Towards Fair Forestry. Introduction to the Special Issue on the social impacts of logging. International Forestry Review, 25: 1-16.
  11. Carmenta, R., J. Barlow, M. Bastos Lima, E. Berenguer, S. Choiruzzad, S. Choiruzzad, F. Franca J. Ferreira, N. Estrada-Carmona, G. Kallis, E. Killick, A. Lees, A. Martin, U. Pascual, J. Reed, I. Rodriguez, A. Steward, T. Sunderland, B. Vira, J. Zaehringer & C. Hicks. 2023. Connected conservation: Rethinking conservation for a telecoupled world. Biological Conservation, 282:110047.
  12. Li, L., D. Liang, S. Fakheran, T. Li, J. Mumuni, A. Shresta & T. Sunderland. 2023. Effectiveness of Heilongjiang Nature Reserve in Improving Habitat Quality in and around the Reserve. Research Square.
  13. Bayala, E. M. Ros-Tonen, T. Sunderland, H. Djoudi & J Reed. 2023. Farmer-Fulani conflicts in northern Ghana: Are integrated landscape approaches the way forward? Forests, Trees and Livelihoods.
  14. Siangulube, F., M. Ros-Tonen, J. Reed, E. Bayala & T. Sunderland. 2023. Spatial Tools for Inclusive Landscape Governance: Negotiating Land Use, Land-Cover Change, and Future Landscape Scenarios in Two Multistakeholder Platforms in Zambia. Land 12(4) 804.
  15. Yuliani, E., Bakara, D., Russon, A., Salim, A., Sammy, J., Sunderland-Groves, J., & Sunderland, T. 2023. Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) population estimate within and around Danau Sentarum National Park, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. Conservation Science and Practice, 5: e12916.
  16. Vasquez, W., & T. Sunderland. 2023. The rights way forward: reconciling the right to food with biodiversity conservation. Oryx, 57: 370-378.
  17. Mathys, A., J. Van Vianen, D. Rowland, S. Narulita, I. Palomo, U. Pascual, I.J. Sutherland, R. Ahammad & T. Sunderland. 2023. Participatory mapping of ecosystem services across a gradient of agricultural intensification in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2174685.
  18. Bayala, E., K Asubonteng, M. Ros-Tonen, H. Djoudi, F. Siangulube, J. Reed & T. Sunderland. 2023. Using Scenario Building and Participatory Mapping to Negotiate Conservation-Development Trade-Offs in Northern Ghana. Land, 12(3): 580.
  19. Moioli, C., A. Shrestha, D. Roeser, G. Wang, T. Sunderland & H. Zerriffi. 2023. Forest restoration, livelihoods and income inequality: Lessons from China’s Conversion of Cropland to Forest Program. Land Degradation and Development, 34:2838–2848.
  20. Siangulube, F., M. Ros-Tonen, J. Reed, H. Djoudi, D. Gumbo & T. Sunderland. 2023. Navigating power imbalances in landscape governance: A network and influence analysis. Regional Environmental Change, 41.
  21. Yanou, M., M. Ros-Tonen, J. Reed & T. Sunderland. 2023. Indigenous local knowledge and practices among Tonga people in Zambia and Zimbabwe: A review. Environmental Science and Policy, 142- 68-78.


  1. Adeyanju, S., Ajilore, O., Ogunlalu, O., Onatunji, A., & Mogaji, E. 2022. Innovating in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: Case studies from Nigerian universities. In J. S. McKeown, K. Bista, & R. Y. Chan (Eds.), Global higher education during COVID-19: Policy, society, and technology (pp. 104-120). STAR Scholars.
  2. Adeyanju, S., Adesuyi, O., Offiah, C., Fasalejo, O., Ogunlade, B. (2022). Where are the foresters? The influx of forestry graduates to non-forestry jobs in Nigeria. XV World Forestry Congress, 2022. Seoul, Korea.
  3. Reed, J., Chervier, C., Borah, J. R., Gumbo, D., Moombe, K. B., O’Connor, A., … & Sunderland, T. (2022). Co-producing theory of change to operationalize integrated landscape approachesSustainability Science, 1-17.
  4. Couvreur, T. & T. Sunderland. 2022. Flore du Cameroun: Arecaceae – Palmae. MINRESI, Yaoundé. Volume 44, 138pp.
  5. Ahammad, R., N. Stacey, T. Sunderland & K. Sangha. 2022. Land use preference for ecosystem services and well-being in Bangladesh. Forests, 13: 2086.
  6. Hu, F., W. Kong, J. Innes, W. Wu, T. Sunderland & G. Wang. 2022. Residents’ perceptions toward tourism development: a case study from Grand Canyon National Park, USA. Sustainability, 14: 13128.
  7. Upla, P., J. Reed, K. Moombe, B. Kazule, P. Mulenga, M. Ros-Tonen & T. Sunderland. 2022. Assessing potential for private sector engagement in integrated landscape approaches: insights from value chain analyses in Southern Zambia. Land, 11; 1549.
  8. Reed, J., C. Chervier. J. Borah, D. Gumbo, K. Moombe, T. Mbanga, A. O’Connor, F. Siangulube, M. Yanou & T. Sunderland. 2022. A co-produced theory of change to operationalize integrated landscape approaches. Sustainability Science, 18: 839–855.
  9. Yuliani, E.L., M. Moeliono, A. Labarani, P. Tias, & T. Sunderland. 2022. Relational values of forests: Value-conflicts between local communities and external programmes in Sulawesi. People and Nature, 5: 1822-1838.
  10. Ickowitz, A., S. McMullin, T. Rosenstock. I. Dawson, D. Rowland, B. Powell, K. Mausch, H. Djoudi, T. Sunderland, M. Nurhasan, A. Nowak, V. Gitz, A. Meybeck, R, Jamnadass, M. Guariguata, C. Termote & R. Nasi. 2022. Transforming food systems with trees and forests. Lancet Planet Health, 6: 32-39.
  11. Adeyanju, S., J. Bulkan. J. Onyekwelu, G. Peterson St-Laurent, R. Kozak, T. Sunderland & B. Stimm. 2022. Drivers of biodiversity conservation in sacred groves: A comparative study of three sacred groves in southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of the Commons, 16(1): 94-107.
  12. Garcia, C, S. Savilaakso, R. Verburg, N. Stoudmann, P. Fernbach, S. Sloman, G. Peterson, M. Araújo, J.-F. Bastin, J. Blaser, L. Boutinot, T. Crowther, H. Dessard, A. Dray, S. Francisco, J. Ghazoul, L. Feintrenie, E. Hainzelin, F. Kleinschroth, B. Naimi, I. Novotny, J. Oszwald, S. Pietsch, F. Quétier, B. Robinson, Marieke Sassen, P. Sist, T. Sunderland, C. Vermeulen, L. Wilmé, S. Wilson, F. Rodríguez, P. Waeber. 2022. Strategy games to improve environmental policymaking. Nature Sustainability, 5: 464–471.
  13. Clarkson, J, J. Borah, F. Baudron & T. Sunderland. 2022. Effect of forest proximity on natural-enemy mediated control of Fall Armyworm in Southern Africa. Frontiers For. Glob. Change. 5:781574.


  1. Schresta, A., D. Liang, Y. Qu, Y. Ghimirey, S. Panthi & G. Wang. 2021. Mapping distribution and identifying gaps in protected area coverage of vulnerable clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) in Nepal: Implications for conservation management. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks.
  2. Ickowitz A, S. McMullin, I. Dawson, T. Sunderland, B. Powell, M. Nurhasan, B. Vinceti, R. Jamnadass, A. Meybeck & V.Gitz. 2021. Food Security and Nutrition. FTA Highlights of a Decade 2011–2021 series. Highlight No. 5. Bogor, Indonesia: The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA).
  3. Adeyanju, S., Bulkan, J., Onyekwelu J. C., Peterson St-Laurent, G., Kozak, R., Sunderland, T., Stimm, B. (2022). Drivers of biodiversity conservation in sacred groves: A comparative study of three sacred groves in South-west Nigeria. International Journal of the Commons, 16(1), 94–107.
  4. Adeyanju, S., A. O’Connor, T. Addoah, E. Bayala, J. Reed, M. Ros-Tonen, F. Siangulube, A. Sikanwe & T. Sunderland.. 2021. Learning from Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Ghana and Zambia: Lessons for integrated landscape approaches. International Forestry Review. 23(3): 273-297
  5. Razafindratsima, O., J. Kamoto, E. Sills, D. Mutta, C. Song, G. Kabwe, C. Ryan, S. Castle, P. Kristjanson, M. Brockhaus & T. Sunderland. 2021. Reviewing the evidence on the roles of forests and tree-based systems in poverty dynamics. Forest Policy and Economics, 102576.
  6. Miller, D., S. Mansourian, M. Gabay, R. Hajjar, P. Jagger, J. Kamoto, P. Newton, J. Oldekop, O. Razafindratsima, P. Shyamsundar, T. Sunderland & C. Wildburger. 2021. Forests, trees and poverty alleviation: Policy implications of current knowledge. Forest Policy & Economics, 102566.
  7. Garcia, C.A.; Savilaakso, S.; Verburg, R.W.; Stoudmann, N.; Fernbach, P.; Sloman, S.A.; Peterson, G.D.; Araújo, M.B.; Bastin, J.; Boutinot, L.; Dessard, H.; Dray, A.; Francisco, S.; Ghazoul, J.; Feintrenie, L.; Kleinschroth, F.; Naimi, B.; Novotny, I.P.; Oszwald, J.; Pietsch, S.A.; Quétier, F.; Robinson, B.E.; Sassen, M.; Sist, P.; Sunderland, T.; Vermeulen, C.; Wilmé, L.; Wilson, S.J.; Zorondo Rodríguez, F.; Waeber, P.O. 2021.Before the Next COP: How to Stop Missing our Environmental Policy TargetsPreprints, 2021080326 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202108.0326.v1).
  8. Phillips O. et al., including T. Sunderland. 2021. Monitoring Earth’s tropical forests with distributed plot networks. Biological Conservation.
  9. Ahammad, R., N. Stacey & T. Sunderland. 2021. Determinants of forest and tree uses across households of different sites and ethnicities in Bangladesh. Sustainability Science, Practice, and Policy, 17:1, 232-242
  10. Ahammad, R., N. Stacey & T. Sunderland. 2021. Analysis of forest-related policies for supporting ecosystem services-based forest management in Bangladesh. Ecosystem Services, 43: 108435.
  11. Duffy, C., G. Toth, R. O’Hagan, P. McKeown, S. Rahman, T. Sunderland & C. Spillane. 2021. Agroforestry contributions to smallholder food security in Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems, 95(6), 1109-1124.
  12. Bennett, E. et al. (including T. Sunderland). 2021. Resistance of African tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 118: 21 e2003169118
  13. Gibson, E., N. Stacey, T. Sunderland & D. Adhuri. 2021. Coping or adapting? Experiences of food and nutrition insecurity in specialized fishing households in Komodo District, eastern IndonesiaBMC Public Health 21, 355.
  14. Reed, J., K. Kusters, J. Barlow, M. Balinga, J. Borah, C. Chervier, D. Gumbo, K. Moombe, Y. Laumonier, L. Yuliani & T. Sunderland. 2021. Re-integrating ecology into integrated landscape approaches. Landscape Ecology.
  15. Adeyanju, S., O’Connor, A., Addoah, T., Bayala, E., Djoudi, H., Moombe, K., … & Sunderland, T. (2021). Learning from Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) in Ghana and Zambia: Lessons for integrated landscape approachesInternational Forestry Review23(3), 1.
  16. Rahman, S., H. Baral, R. Sharma, Y. Samsudin, M. Meyer, M. Lo, Y. Artati, T. Simamora, S. Andini, B. Leksono, J. Roshetko, S. Lee, M. Seol & T. Sunderland. 2021. Potential Benefits of Integrated Bioenergy and Food Production Systems on Degraded Land in Wonogiri, Indonesia. In: Baral, H., J. Kwon & Budi Leksono (eds) Bioenergy and landscape restoration in Indonesia. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. Pp92-108.
  17. Gitz, V., N. Pingault, A. Maybeck, A. Ickowitz, S. McMullin, T. Sunderland, B. Vinceti, B. Powell, C. Termote, R. Jamnadass, I. Dawson & B. Stadlmayr. 2021. Contribution of forests and trees to food security and nutrition. FTA Brief, No. 5.


  1. Duriaux-Chavarría, J.-Y., F. Baudron, S. Gergel, K. Yang, I. Eddy & T. Sunderland. 2020. More people, more trees: A reversal of deforestation trends in Southern Ethiopia. Land Degradation and Development.2020
  2. Reed, J., J. Oldekop, J. Barlow, R. Carmenta, J. Geldmann, A. Ickowitz, S. Narulita, S. Rahman, J. van Vianen, M. Yanou, & T. Sunderland. 2020. The extent and distribution of joint conservation-development funding in the tropics. One Earth, 3: 753-762.
  3. Garcia, C., S. Savilaakso, M. Sassen, N. Stoudmann, R. Verburg, F. Quétier, M. Araújo, J.-F. Bastin, L. Boutinot, H. Dessard, A. Dray, P, Fernbach, S. Francisco, J. Ghazoul, L. Feintrenie, B. Naimi, J. Oszwald, S. Pietsch, B. Robinson, P. Sist, T. Sunderland, S. Sloman, C. Vermeulen, L. Wilmé, S. Wilson & P. Waeber. 2020. To bend the curve of terrestrial biodiversity, place agency center stage. Preprints. doi:10.20944/preprints202010.0609.v1
  4. Ahammad, R., N. Stacey & T. Sunderland. 2020. Assessing land use changes and livelihood outcomes of rural people in Chittagong Hill Tracts region, Bangladesh. Land Degradation and Development 1-13 DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3795
  5. Azevedo, J., S. Luque, C. Dobbs; G. Sanesi & T. Sunderland. 2020. The ethics of isolation, the spread of pandemics, and landscape ecology. Landscape Ecology, 35: 2133–2140.
  6. Muscarella, R. plus 100+ authors (including T. Sunderland. 2020. The global abundance of tree palms. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(9): 1495-1514.
  7. Gergel, S., B. Powell, S. Wood, F. Baudron, J. Rhemtulla, G. Kennedy, L. Rasmussen, A. Ickowitz, E. Smithwick, S. Wood & T. Sunderland. 2020. Conceptual linkages between landscape diversity and dietary diversity: a roadmap for multi-disciplinary research. BioScience, biaa048.
  8. Reed, J., D. Gumbo, C. Chervier, Y. Laumonier, M. Ros-Tonen, L. Yuliani, H. Djoudi, M. Zida, M. Moeliono & T. Sunderland. 2020. Integrated landscape approaches in the tropics – a brief stock take. Land Use Policy, 99: 104822.
  9. Sullivan, M plus 50+ authors (including T. Sunderland). 2020. Equilibrium climate sensitivity of tropical forests. Science, 368: 869-874.
  10. Bahar, N. M. Lo, M. Sanjaya, J. Van Vianen, A. Ickowitz, P. Alexander & T. Sunderland. 2020. Meeting the food security challenge for nine billion people in 2050: What impact on forests? Global Environmental Change, 62: 102056.
  11. Sunderland, T. & A. O’Connor. 2020. Forests and food security: A review. CAB Reviews, 15: No. 019.
  12. Rozendaal, D., O. Phillips, S. Lewis, K. Affum-Baffoe, E. Dávila, A. Andrade, L. Aragão, A. Araujo-Murakami, T. Baker, O. Bánki, R. Brienen, J. Camargo, J. Comiskey, M. Djuikouo, S. Fauset, T. Feldpausch, T. Killeen, W. Laurance, S. Laurance, T. Lovejoy, Y. Malhi, B. Marimon, B. Marimon, A. Marshall, D. Neill, P. Núñez Vargas, N. Pitman, J. Reitsma, M. Silveira, B. Sonké, T. Sunderland, H. Taedoumg, H. ter Steege, J. Terborgh, R. Umetsu, G. van der Heijden, E. Vilanova, V. Vos, L. White, S. Willcock, L. Zemagho & M. Vanderwel. 2020. Competition influences tree growth, but not mortality, across environmental gradients in Amazonia and tropical Africa. Ecology, 101(7), e03052
  13. Gibson, E., N. Stacey, T. Sunderland & D. Adhuri. 2020. Dietary diversity and fish consumption of mothers and their children in fisher households in eastern Indonesia. PLoS One, 15(4): e0230777
  14. Sunderland, T. & W. Vasquez. 2020. Forest conservation, rights and diets: Untangling the issues. Front. For. Glob. Change, 3: 29.
  15. Hubau, H. plus 50+ authors (including T. Sunderland). 2020. Asynchronous carbon sink saturation in African and Amazonian tropical forests. Nature. 579: 80–87.
  16. Vasquez W., T. Sunderland. 2020. Protected Areas and Food Security: Unravelling the Issues. In: Baldauf C. (eds) Participatory Biodiversity Conservation. Springer, Cham
  17. Sunderland, T. & W. Vasquez. [in press] The right to food? Protected areas and food security. In: C. Baldauf (ed) Participatory biodiversity conservation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  18. Sunderland, T. [in press] Non-timber products from tropical forests. In: Blaser & P. Hardcastle. Achieving sustainable management of tropical forests. Burleigh Dodds Publishing.
  19. Sunderland, T. & A. O’Connor [in press] The use of forests for food security. CAB Reviews.
  20. O’Hagen, R., J. Fa, A. O’Connor & Sunderland [in press] Community forestry in Liberia: Pitfalls and progress. In: J. Innes & W. Nikolakis (eds) The Wicked Problem of Forest Policy: New Directions in Research and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
  21. Cunningham,B., K. Meuer & T. Sunderland [in press] CITES and Prunus africana bark harvest: Rules, rhetoric and the realities of sustaining international trade. In: Cordonier Segger, M.-C. & A. Wardell (eds). CITES as a Tool for Sustainable Development. Cambridge University Press.
  22. Sunderland, T., & O’Connor, A. (2020). Forests and Food Security: a review. CAB Reviews, 15(19), 1-10.
  23. O’Connor, A., Djoudi, H., Moeliono, M., Moombe, K. B., & Siangulube, F. S. (2020). Potential for integration? An assessment of national environment and development policies. In: Reed, J., Ros-Tonen, M., Sunderland, T.C.H. (eds) Operationalizing integrated landscape approaches in the tropics. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
  24. Reed, J., Borah, J. R., Chervier, C., Langston, J., Moeliono, M., O’Connor, A., … & Sunderland, T. (2020). A methods toolbox for integrated landscape approaches. In: Reed, J., Ros-Tonen, M., Sunderland, T.C.H. (eds) Operationalizing integrated landscape approaches in the tropics. Center for International Forestry Research. (CIFOR).
  25. O’Connor, A., & Sunderland, T. (2020). Chapter 11: Non-timber forest products from tropical forests. In J. Blaser & P. Hardcastle (Eds.), Achieving sustainable management of tropical forests. p.1-15. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
  26. O’Hagan, R., O’Connor, A., Fa, J., & Sunderland, T. (2020). Community Forestry in Liberia: Progress and Pitfalls. In W. Nikolakis & J. Innes (Eds.), The Wicked Problem of Forest Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustainability in Forest Landscapes. p.354-375. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  27. Miller, D. J. Zavaleta Cheek, P. Newton, C. Wildburger, T. Sunderland & P. Jagger. 2020. Introduction: Forests, Trees and Poverty. In: D. Miller, S. Mansourian & C. Wildburger (eds.) Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations. A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 39. Vienna. pp 13-32.
  28. Razafindratsima, O., J. Kamoto, E. Sills, D. Mutta, C. Song, T. Sunderland, G. Kabwe, C. Ryan S. Brown, P. Kristjanson, M. Brockhaus, P. Bigombe Logo, B.-P. Ntirumenyerwa Mihigo, S. Ongolo, J. Xiao & Y. Zhao. 2020. Forest-Poverty Dynamics: Current State of Knowledge. In: D. Miller, S. Mansourian & C. Wildburger (eds.) Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations. A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 39. Vienna. pp 55-94.


  1. Baudron, F., S. Gergel, J. Groot, B. Powell, S. Tomscha & Sunderland. 2019. Testing the various pathways linking forest cover to dietary diversity in tropical landscapes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
  2. Rasmussen,V., J. Rhemtulla, M. Fagan, A. Ickowitz, S. Wood, G. Kennedy, B. Powell, F. Baudron, S. Gergel, E. Smithwick, T. Sunderland & S. Wood. 2019. Forest pattern, not just amount, influences dietary quality in five African countries. Global Food Security
  3. Tallis, H. plus 50+ authors (including Sunderland). 2019. Aligning Evidence Generation and Use Across Health, Development and Environment. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39: 81-93.
  4. Reed, J., J van Vianen, R. Carmenta, J. Barlow & Sunderland. 2019. Identifying attributes and action points towards reconciling conservation and development in the tropics. Biological Conservation, 238. 108229.
  5. Dawson, I., S. Attwood, S. Park, R. Jamnadass, W. Powell, T. Sunderland, & S. 2019. Contributions of biodiversity to the sustainable intensification of food production. Global Food Security, 21: 23-37.
  6. Rahman, S. H. Baral, R. Sharma, Y. Samsudin, M. Meyer, M. Lo, Y. Artati, T. Simamora, S. Andini, B. Leksono,  Roshetko, S. Lee & T. Sunderland. 2019. Integrating bioenergy and food production on degraded landscapes in Indonesia for improved socio-economic and environmental outcomes. Food and Energy Security.
  7. Langston, J., R. McIntyre, K. Falconer, Sunderland, M. van Noordwijk & A Boedhihartono. 2019. Governance constrains landscape sustainability in Indonesia: discourses mapped by Q-method. PLoS One.
  8. Baudron, F., J. Schultner, J.-Y. Duriaux, S. Gergel & Sunderland. 2019. Agriculturally productive yet biodiverse: human benefits and conservation values along a forest-agriculture gradient in Southern Ethiopia. Landscape Ecology.
  9. Hubau, W., T. De Mil, J. Van den Bulcke, B. Ilondea, J. Van Acker, S. Lewis, M. Sullivan, L. Nsenga, B. Toirambe, C. Couralet, L. Banin, S. Begne, T. Baker, N. Bourland, E. Chezeaux, C. Clark, M. Collins, J. Comiskey, A. Cuni-Sanchez, V. Deklerck, S. Dierickx, J.-L. Doucet, C. Ewango, T. Feldpausch, M. Gilpin, C. Gonmadje, J. Hall, D. Harris, O. Hardy, M.-N. D. Kamdem, E. Yakusu, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, J.-R. Makana, Y. Malhi, F. Mbayu, S. Moore, J. Mukinzi, G. Pickavance, J. Poulsen, J. Reitsma, M. Rousseau, B. Sonké, T. Sunderland, H. Taedoumg, J. Talbot, J. Mukendi, P. Umunay, J. Vleminckx, L. White, L. Zemagho, O. Phillips & H. Beeckman. 2019. A long-term carbon sink in the African forest understory. Nature Plants.
  10. Gonmadje, C., Sunderland, D. McKey, C Doumenge. 2019. Environmental filtering determines patterns of tree species composition in small mountains of Atlantic central African forests. Acta Oecologica, 94: 12-21.
  11. Ahammad, R., N. Stacey & Sunderland. 2019. Use and Perceived Importance of Forest Ecosystem Services in Rural Livelihoods of People in Bangladesh. Ecosystem Services. 35: 87-98.
  12. Ickowitz, A., A. Jones, D. Rowland, B. Powell & Sunderland. 2019. Agricultural intensification, dietary diversity, and markets in the global food security narrative. Global Food Security, 20: 9-16.
  13. Ahammad, R., N. Stacey, I. Eddy, S. Tomscha, & Sunderland. 2019. Recent trends of forest cover change and ecosystem services in eastern upland region of Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment, 647: 379-389.
  14. Couvreur, T. & T. Sunderland. 2019. Flore du Gabon: Arecaceae. Margraf Publishers, The Netherlands. Volume 53.
  15. Sunderland, T., A. O’Connor, G. Muir, L. Nerfa, G. Nodari, C. Widmark, N. Bahar & A. Ickowitz. 2019. SDG2: Zero hunger. Challenging the hegmony of monoculture agriculture for forests and people. In: Katila, C. Colfer, W. de Jong, G. Galloway, P. Pacheco & G. Winkel (eds) Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People. Cambridge University Press. pp 48-71.
  16. Dawson, I., S. Attwood, S. Park, R. Jamnadass, W. Powell, Sunderland, R. Kindt, S. McMullin, P. Hoebe, J. Baddeley, C. Staver, V. Vadez, S. Carsan, J. Roshetko, A. Amri, E. Karamura, D. Karamura, P. van Breugel, Md. Hossain, M. Phillips, A. Kumar, J.-P. Lillesø, J. Benzie, G. Sabastian, B. Ekesa, W. Ocimati & L. Graudal. 2019. Contributions of biodiversity to the sustainable intensification of food production –Thematic study for The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. FAO, Rome. 38 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  17. Sunderland, T. C., O’Connor, A., Muir, G., Nerfa, L., Nodari, G. R., Wildmark, C., … & Ickowitz, A. (2019). SDG 2: Zero Hunger–Challenging the Hegemony of Monoculture Agriculture for Forests and People. In Sustainable Development Goals: Their impacts on forests and people. Cambridge University Press. 48-71.


  1. Yuliani, E. Linda, E. B. P. De Jong, L. Knippenberg, D. O. Bakara, M. Agus Salim & Sunderland. 2018. Keeping the land: indigenous communities and the struggle over land use and sustainable forest management in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ecology and Society, 23 (4):49.
  2. Foli, S., M. Ros-Tonen, J. Reed & Sunderland. 2018. Natural resource management schemes as entry points for integrated landscape approaches: Evidence from Ghana and Burkina Faso. Environmental Management, 62(1): 82-97.
  3. Timko, J., P. LeBillon, H. Zerrifi, J. Honey-Rosés, I. de la Roche, C. Gaston, Sunderland & R. Kozak. 2018. A policy nexus approach to forests and the SDGs: tradeoffs, synergies and priorities. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 34: 7-12.
  4. Boedhihartono, A., F. Bongers, R. Boot, J. van Dijk, H. Jeans, M. van Kuijk, H. Koster, J. Reed, Sayer, T. Sunderland, E. Turnhout, J. van Vianen & P. Zuidema. 2018. Conservation Science and Practice Must Engage With the Realities of Complex Tropical Landscapes. Tropical Conservation Science, 11.
  5. Duriaux Chavarría,Y., F. Baudron, & T. Sunderland. 2018. Retaining forests within agricultural landscapes as a pathway to sustainable intensification: evidence from Southern Ethiopia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment, 263: 41-52.
  6. Ros-Tonen,M., J. Reed & Sunderland. 2018. Embracing Synergies: The Role of Integrated Landscape-Level Initiatives in Landscape Governance. Environmental Management.
  7. Sunderland, T. 2018. The Importance of Forest and Landscape Restoration in the context of Food Security (in Korean). World Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, No. 4.
  8. Sullivan, M., S. Lewis, W. Hubau, L. Qie, T. Baker, L. Banin, J. Chave, A. Sanchez, T. Feldpausch, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, E. Arets, P. Ashton, J.-F. Bastin, N. Berry, J. Bogaert, R. Boot, F. Brearley, R. Brienen, D. Burslem, M. Chudomelová, M. Dančák, C. de Canniere, R. Hedl, J. Lloyd, Y. Malhi, B. Marimon, B. Marimon, F. Metali, S. Moore, L. Nagy, P. Vargas, C. Pendry, H. Ramírez-Angulo, J. Reitsma, E. Rutishauser, Salim, B. Sonké, R. Sukri, T. Sunderland, M. Svátek, P. Umunay, R. Martinez, R. Vernimmen, E. Vilanova, J. Vleminckx, V. Vos & O. Phillips. 2018. Field methods for sampling tree height for tropical forest biomass estimation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(5): 1179-1189.
  9. Slik, F. et al. 100+ authors (including Sunderland) 2018. A phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(8): 1837-1842.
  10. Clark, R., J. Reed & Sunderland. 2018. Bridging Finance Gaps for Climate and Development: Pitfalls, Progress and Potential. Land Use Policy 71: 335-346.
  11. Sunderland T. & D. Rowland. 2018. Forests, land use, and challenges to climate stability and food security. In: C. Campanhola & S. Pandey (eds). Sustainable food and agriculture: An integrated approach. Elsevier Books, Bonn, pp 95-116.
  12. Leisher, C., F. Booker, B. Agarwal, M. Day, E. Matthews, D. Prosnitz, D. Roe, D. Russell, L. Samberg, Sunderland, G. Temsah, D. Wilkie. 2018. A Preliminary Theory of Change Detailing How Women’s Participation Can Improve the Management of Local Forests and Fisheries. SocArXiv, 31 Aug. 2017.
  13. Wan, T., W. Ariffin, R. Kaam, E. Muralidharan, V. Sreekumar, C. Chowdary, L. Rong Sheng, T. Le Viet, Sunderland, R. Haider, S. Tekpetey, A. Olurunnisola, R. S. Achdiawan & K. Seng. 2018. Rattan terminologies. INBAR Technical Report No. 39. International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR), Beijing, China.


  1. Islam, M., M. Pavel, M. Uddin, M. Mamun, S. Rahman, A. Mathys, K. Indraswari, Bianchi, K. Harada & T. Sunderland. 2017. A tropical case study of tree diversity and productivity relationships in mixed species plantations in protected areas. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 6: 1835-1847.
  2. Qie, L., LewisM. SullivanG. Lopez-GonzalezG. PickavanceT. SunderlandP. AshtonW. HubauK. Abu SalimS. AibaL. BaninN. BerryF. BrearleyD. BurslemM. DančákS. DaviesG. FredrikssonK. HamerR. HédlL. KhoK. KitayamaH. KrisnawatiS. LhotaY. MalhiC. MaycockF. MetaliE. MirmantoL. NagyR. NilusR. OngC. PendryA. PoulsenR. PrimackE. RutishauserI. SamsoedinB. SaragihP. SistJ. SlikR. SukriM. SvátekS. TanA. TjoaM. van NieuwstadtR. VernimmenI. YassirP. KiddM. FitriadiN. IderisR. SerudinL. LimM. SaparudinO. Phillips. 2017. Long-term carbon sink into Borneo’s intact forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effects. Nature Communications, 8: 1966.
  3. Vlek, P., A. Khamzina, Azadi, A. Bhaduri, L. Bharati, A. Braimoh, C. Martius, T. Sunderland & F. Taheri. 2017. Trade-offs in multi-purpose land use under land degradation. Sustainability, 9(12), 2196.
  4. Reed, J., J. Van Vianen, J. Barlow & T. Sunderland. 2017. Clarifying the landscape approach: A response to the Editor. Global Change Biology, 23(12): e13-e14.
  5. Baudron, F., J.-Y. Duriaux, R. Remans & Sunderland. 2017. Indirect contributions of forests to dietary diversity in Southern Ethiopia. Ecology and Society. 22 (2):28.
  6. Sunderland, T., R. Abdoulaye, R. Ahammad, S. Asaha, F. Baudron, E. Deakin, J.-Y. Duriaux, I. Eddy, S. Foli, D. Gumbo, K. Mumba, M. Kshatriya, L. Leonald, D. Rowland, N. Stacey, S. Tomsha, K. Yang & S. Gergel. 2017. A Methodological Approach for Assessing Cross-Site Landscape Change: Understanding Socio-Ecological Systems. Forest Policy and Economics, 84: 83-91.
  7. Rahman, S., Sunderland, J. Roshetko & J. Healey. 2017. Facilitating smallholder tree farming in fragmented tropical landscapes: challenges and potentials for sustainable land management. Journal of Environmental Management. 198: 110-121.
  8. Reed, J. J. von Vianen, J. Barlow & Sunderland. 2017. Have integrated landscape approaches reconciled societal and environmental issues in the tropics? Land Use Policy, 63: 481–492.
  9. Langston, J., R. Riggs, Y. Sururi, Sunderland, M. Munawir. 2017. Estate crops more attractive than community forests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Land. 6(1): 12.
  10. Reed, J., J. Van Vianen, J. Clendinning, G. Petrokovsky & Sunderland. 2017. Trees for life: The ecosystem service contribution of trees to food production and livelihoods in the tropics. Forest Policy and Economics, 84: 62-71.
  11. Gonmadje, C., N. Picard, S. Gourlet-Fleury, M. Réjou-Méchain, V. Freycon, Sunderland, D. McKey & C. Doumenge.. 2017. Altitudinal filtering of large-tree species controls above-ground biomass variation in an Atlantic central African rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 33: 143-154.
  12. Sullivan et al., plus more than 100+ authors (including Sunderland). 2017. Diversity and carbon storage across the world’s tropical forests. Scientific Reports, 7: 39102.
  13. Clark, R., J. Reed & Sunderland. 2017. Bridging funding gaps for climate and sustainable development: Pitfalls, progress and potential. CIFOR Policy Brief No. 2.
  14. Vlek, P., H. Azadi, A. Bhaduri, L. Bharati, A. Braimoh, C. Martius, Sunderland & F. Taheri. 2017. The trade-offs in multi-purpose land use. In: Vlek P., A. Khamzina & L. Tamene (eds.). Land degradation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Threats and potential remedies. CIAT Publication No. 440. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp5-17.


  1. Sayer, J., L. Buck. J. Langston, C. Margulies, J. Reed, R. Riggs & Sunderland. 2016. Measuring the effectiveness of landscape approaches to conservation and development. Sustainability Science. 12: 465-476.
  2. Yuliani, E., H. Adnan, R. Achdiawan, D. Bakara, V, Heri, S. Jim & Sunderland. 2016. The Roles of Traditional Knowledge Systems in Orangutan and Forest Conservation: a Case Study of Danau Sentarum, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Oryx. 44: 235-240.
  3. Rowland, D., A. Ickowitz, B. Powell, R. Nasi & Sunderland. 2016. Contributions of forest foods to meeting recommendations for dietary intakes: A multi-country case study analysis. Environmental Conservation. 44:102-114.
  4. Liang, J. et al. + more than 60 authors (including Sunderland). 2016. Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests. Science 354 (6309) af8597.
  5. Rahman, S., Sunderland, M. Kshatriya, J. Roshetko, T. Pagella &, J. Healey. 2016. Towards Productive Landscapes: Trade-offs in Tree-cover and Income across a Matrix of Smallholder Agricultural Land-use Systems. Land Use Policy 58: 152-164.
  6. Carrasco, R., T. Clements, A. Ickowitz, S. Papworth, K. Peh, J. Phelps, J. Reed, W. Symes & Sunderland.. 2016. Seven challenges for the reconciliation of agricultural land-use, food security and forest ecosystem services in Southeast Asia. Conservation Biology. 30: 962–971.
  7. Ickowitz, A., B. Powell, A. Salim & Sunderland. 2016. The effect of tree cover on child nutrition in Indonesia: Examining the relationship between tree cover and consumption of micronutrient-rich foods. PLoS One. 11(5): e0154139.
  8. Rahman, S., Healey, J. Roshetko, I. Basuki & T. Sunderland. 2016. Tree Culture of Smallholder Farmers Practicing Agroforestry in Gunung Salak Valley, West Java, Indonesia. Small-scale Forestry. 15(4), 433-442.
  9. Reed, J., J. van Vianen, E. Deakin, J. Barlow & Sunderland. 2016. Integrated landscape approaches to managing social and environmental issues in the tropics: learning from the past to guide the future. Global Change Biology. 7: 2550-2554.
  10. Leisher, C., G. Temsah, F. Booker, M. Day, B. Agarwal, E. Matthews, D. Roe, D. Russell, L. Samberg, Sunderland & D. Wilkie. 2016. Does the gender composition of forest and fishery management groups affect resource governance and conservation outcomes: A systematic map. Environmental Evidence. DOI: 10.1186/s13750-016-0057-8
  11. Rahman, S, J. Healey, J. Jacobsen & Sunderland. 2016. Finding alternatives to swidden agriculture: Does agroforestry improve livelihood options and reduce pressure on existing forest? Agroforestry Systems. 91(1): 185-199.
  12. Avitabile V., M. Herold, G. Heuvelink, S. Lewis, O. Phillips, G. Asner, P Ashton, L. Banin, N. Bayol, N. Berry, P. Boeckx, B. de Jong, B. DeVries, C. Girardin, E. Kearsley, J. Lindsell, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, R. Lucas, Y. Malhi, A. Morel, E. Mitchard, L. Nagy, L. Qie, M. Quinones, C. Ryan, F. Slik, Sunderland, G. Vaglio Laurin, R. Valentini, H. Verbeeck, A. Wijaya & S. Willcock. 2016. An integrated pan-tropical biomass map using multiple reference datasets. Global Change Ecology. 22: 1406-1420.
  13. Cunningham, A.B., V. Anoncho & Sunderland. 2016. Power, policy and the Prunus africana bark trade, 1972-2015. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 178: 323–333.
  14. Deakin, E., M. Kshatriya & T. Sunderland (eds) 2016. Agrarian change in tropical landscapes. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. 323pp.
  15. Sunderland, T. & O. Ndoye. 2016. La gestion et la conservation des ressources en PFNL. In: Vivre et se nourrir de la forêt en Afrique central. Produits Forestieres Non-Ligneux No. 29. Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, Rome. pp 67-76.
  16. Reed, J. J. van Vianen & Sunderland. 2016. From commitment to action: Establishing action points toward operationalising integrated landscape approaches. InfoBrief No. 158. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.
  17. Deakin, E., M. Kshatriya & Sunderland. 2016. Introduction: Agrarian change in tropical landscapes. In: Deakin, E., M. Kshatriya & T. Sunderland (eds) Agrarian change in tropical landscapes. pp 1-13. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.
  18. Sunderland, T., E. Deakin & M. Kshatriya. 2016. Conclusion: Agrarian change – a change for the better? In: Deakin, E., M. Kshatriya & Sunderland. 2016. Introduction: Agrarian cahnge in tropical landscapes. In: Deakin, E., M. Kshatriya & T. Sunderland (eds) Agrarian change in tropical landscapes. pp 302-307. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.


  1. Roe, D., M. Day, F. Booker, W. Zhou, S. Allebone-Webb, N. Kumpel, G. Petrokofsky, D. Russell, G. Shepherd & Sunderland. 2015. Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements? A systematic map and review. Environmental Evidence. 4:22
  2. Rahman, S. Foli, M. Abdullah Al Pavel, M. Al Mamun & T. Sunderland. 2015. Forest, trees and agroforestry: Better livelihoods and ecosystem services from multifunctional landscapes. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 4(4): 479-491.
  3. Ros-Tonen, M., -P. B. Van Leynseele, A. Laven & T. Sunderland. 2015. Landscapes of Social Inclusion: Inclusive Value-Chain Collaboration Through the Lenses of Food Sovereignty and Landscape Governance. European Journal of Development Research 27(4): 523-540.
  4. Sunderland, T., D. Apgaua, C. Baldauf, R. Blackie, C. Colfer, A.B. Cunningham, K. Dexter, H. Djoudi, D. Gautier, D. Gumbo, A. Ickowitz, H. Kassa, N. Parthasarathy, R.T. Pennington, F. Paumgarten, S. Pulla, P. Sola, D. Tng, P. Waeber & L.Wilmé. 2015. Global dry forests: A prologue. International Forestry Review 17 (Supplement 2): 1-9
  5. Dexter, K, B. Smart, C. Baldauf, T. Baker, M. Balinga, R. Brienen, S. Fauset, T. Feldpausch, L. Ferreira-da Silva, J. Muledi, S. Lewis, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, B Marimon-Junior, B. Marimon, P. Meerts, N. Page, N. Parthasarathy, O. Phillips, Sunderland, I. Theilade, J. Weintritt, K. Affum-Baffoe, A. Araujo, L. Arroyo, S. Begne, E. Carvalho-Das Neves, M. Collins, A. Cuni-Sanchez, M. Djuikouo, F. Elias, E. Foli, K. Jeffery, T. Killeen, Y. Malhi, L. Maracahipes, C. Mendoza, A. Monteagudo-Mendoza, P. Morandi, C. Oliveira-dos Santos, A. Parada, G. Pardo, K. Peh, R. Salomão, M. Silveira, H. Sinatora-Miranda, F. Slik, B. Sonké, H. Taedoumg, M. Toledo, R. Umetsu, R. Villaroel, V. Vos, L. White & R.T. Pennington. 2015. Floristics and biogeography of vegetation in seasonally dry tropical regions. International Forestry Review. 17(Supplement 2): 10-32.
  6. Leisher, C., G. Temsah, F. Booker, M. Day, B. Agarwal, E. Matthews, D. Roe, D. Russell, L. Samberg, Sunderland & D. Wilkie. 2015. Does the gender composition of forest and fishery management groups affect resource governance and conservation outcomes: a systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 4:13.
  7. Slik et al. plus more than 140 authors (including Sunderland). 2015. How many tree species exist in tropical forests? Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1423147112.
  8. Powell, B., A. Ickowitz, C. Termote, S. Thilsted, Sunderland & A. Herforth. 2015. Strategies to improve diets with wild and cultivated biodiversity from across the landscape. Food Security7(3): 535-554.
  9. Reed, J., L. Deakin & Sunderland. 2015. Integrated Landscape Approaches: A systematic map of the evidence. Environmental Evidence, 4:2
  10. Sayer, J., C. Margules, A. K. Boedhihartono, A. Dale & Sunderland. 2015. Landscape approaches: what are the pre-conditions for success? Sustainability Science. 10(2): 345-355.
  11. Vira, B., B. Agarwal, R. Jamnadass, D. Kleinschimdt, S. McMullin, S. Mansourian, H. Neufeldt, J. Parrotta, Sunderland & C. Wildburger. 2015. Trees and landscapes for for food security and nutrition. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests and food: Addressing hunger and nutrition across sustainable landscapes. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK. pp 9-28.
  12. Jamnadass, R., S. McMullin, I. Miyuki, I. Dawson, B. Powell, C. Termote, A. Ickowitz, K. Kehlenbeck, B. Vinceti, N. van Vliet, G. Keding, B. Stadlmayr, P. Van Damme, S. Carsan, Sunderland, M. Njenga, A. Gyau, P. Cerruti, J. Schure, C. Kouame, B. Obiri-Darko, D. Ofori, B. Agarwal, H. Neufelt, A. Degrande & A. Serban. 2015. Understanding the Roles of Forests and Tree-based systems in Food Provision. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests and food: Addressing hunger and nutrition across sustainable landscapes. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK. pp 29-55.
  13. Parrotta, J., J. Dey de Pryck, B. Obiri-Darko, C. Padoch, B. Powell, C. Sandbrook, B. Agarwal, A. Ickowitz, K. Jeary, A. Serban, Sunderland & Tran Nam Tu. 2015. The Historical, Environmental and Socio-Economic Context of Forests and Tree-Based Systems for Food Security and Nutrition. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests and food: Addressing hunger and nutrition across sustainable landscapes. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK. pp 73-136.
  14. Sunderland, T., F. Baudron, A. Ickowitz, C. Padoch, C. Sandbrook, M. Ros-Tonen, B. Vira, J. Chambers, E. Deakin, K. Jeary, S. Foli, J. Parrotta, B. Powell, J. Reed, S. Ogallehm, H. Neufelt & A. Serban. 2015 Response Options Across the Landscape. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests and food: Addressing hunger and nutrition across sustainable landscapes. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK. pp 183-210.
  15. Vira, B. R. Jamnadass, D. Kleinschidt, S. McMullin, S. Mansourian, H. Neufelt, J. Parrotta, Sunderland & C. Wildburger. 2015. Conclusions. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests and food: Addressing hunger and nutrition across sustainable landscapes. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK. pp 255-271.
  16. Van Vlanen, J., J. Reed & Sunderland. 2015. From global complexity to local reality: Aligning implementation frameworks with Sustainable Development Goals and landscape approaches. CIFOR Policy Brief No. 1. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor.
  17. Reed, J., J. van Vlanen & Sunderland. 2015. From global complexity to local reality: Aligning implementation frameworks with Sustainable Development Goals and landscape approaches. CIFOR InfoBrief No. 129. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor.
  18. Blackie, R. & Sunderland. 2015. Mapping the landscape guidelines and principles to the Aichi Targets. InfoBrief 123, Centre for International Forestry Research.
  19. Vira, B., B. Agarwal, R. Jamnadass, D. Kleinschimdt, S. McMullin, S. Mansourian, H. Neufeldt, J. Parrotta, Sunderland & C. Wildburger. 2015. Forests for Food Security and Nutrition. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 33. International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO), Vienna. pp 13-24.
  20. Jamnadass, R., S. McMullin, I. Miyuki, I. Dawson, B. Powell, C. Termote, A. Ickowitz, K. Kehlenbeck, B. Vinceti, N. van Vliet, G. Keding, B. Stadlmayr, P. Van Damme, S. Carsan, Sunderland, M. Njenga, A. Gyau, P. Cerruti, J. Schure, C. Kouame, B. Obiri-Darko, D. Ofori, B. Agarwal, H. Neufelt, A. Degrande & A. Serban. 2015. Understanding the Roles of Forests and Tree-based systems in Food Provision. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 33. International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO), Vienna. pp 25-50.
  21. Parrotta, J., J. Dey de Pryck, B. Obiri-Darko, C. Padoch, B. Powell, C. Sandbrook, B. Agarwal, A. Ickowitz, K. Jeary, A. Serban, Sunderland & Tran Nam Tu. 2015. The Historical, Environmental and Socio-Economic Context of Forests and Tree-Based Systems for Food Security and Nutrition. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 33. International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO), Vienna. pp 51-86.
  22. Sunderland, T., F. Baudron, A. Ickowitz, C. Padoch, C. Sandbrook, M. Ros-Tonen, B. Vira, J. Chambers, E. Deakin, K. Jeary, S. Foli, J. Parrotta, B. Powell, J. Reed, S. Ogallehm, H. Neufelt & A. Serban. 2015 Response Options Across the Landscape. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 33. International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO), Vienna. pp 113-128.
  23. Vira, B. R. Jamnadass, D. Kleinschidt, S. McMullin, S. Mansourian, H. Neufelt, J. Parrotta, Sunderland & C. Wildburger. 2015. Conclusions. In: B. Vira, C. Wildburger & S. Mansourian (eds) Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition: A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 33. International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO), Vienna. pp 153-158.
  24. Baldauf, C., C. Corrêa, M. Ciampi-Guillardi, J. Sfair, D. Pessoa, R. Oliveira, M. Machado, C. Milfont, Sunderland & F. Dos Santos. 2015. Moving from the ecological sustainability to the participatory management of janaguba (Himatanthus drasticus; Apocynaceae). In: C.M. Shackleton, A. Pandey and T. Ticktin (eds) Ecological Sustainability for Non-timber Forest Products Dynamics and Case Studies of Harvesting. Routledge Publishing. pp 144-162.
  25. Foli, S., J. Reed, J. Clendenning, G. Petrokofsky, C. Padoch & Sunderland. 2015. To what extent does the presence of forests and trees contribute to food production in humid and dry forest landscapes?: a systematic review protocol. Working Paper 168. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor Indonesia.


  1. Carrasco, R., T. Nghiem, R.A. Chisholm, Sunderland & L.P. Koh. 2014. Economic valuation of ecosystem services fails to capture biodiversity value of tropical forests. Biological Conservation. 178: 163-170.
  2. Foli, S., J. Reed, J. Clendenning, G. Petrokofsky, C. Padoch & Sunderland. 2014. To what extent does the presence of forests and trees contribute to food production in humid and dry forest landscapes? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence.
  3. Minter, T., J. van der Ploeg, M. Pedrablanca, Sunderland & G. Persoon. 2014. Indigenous peoples’ participation in protected area management. The Agta and the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, the Philippines. Human Ecology. 42: 769–778
  4. Malleson, R., E. Marshall, M. Kshatriya, S. Asaha, M. Egot, K. Obeng-Okrah & Sunderland. 2014. Non-Timber Forest Product income from forest landscapes of Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria: incidental or integral contribution to sustaining rural livelihoods? International Forestry Review 16(3): 261-277.
  5. Rahman, S., Md. Rahman & Sunderland. 2014. Increasing Tree Cover in Degrading Landscapes: ‘Integration’ and ‘Intensification’ of Smallholder Forest Culture in the Alutilla Valley, Matiranga, Bangladesh. Small-scale Forestry 13: 237–249.
  6. Roe, D., M. Day, F. Booker, W. Zhou, S. Allebone-Webb, N. Kumpel, N. Hill, J. Wright, Sunderland, K. Redford & G. Petrokofsky. 2014. Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence. 3: 6.
  7. Babigumira, R., A. Angelsen, M. Buis, S. Bausch, Sunderland & S. Wunder. 2014. Forest clearing in rural livelihoods: household level global comparative evidence. World Development. 64: S67–S79
  8. Sunderland, T., A. Ickowitz, V. Reyes-Garcia, G. Shively, A. Angelsen, R. Babimigura & R. Achdiawan. 2014. Challenging perceptions about men, women, and forest resources: Results from the PEN global dataset. World Development. 64: S56-S66
  9. Ickowitz, A., B. Powell, A. Salim & Sunderland. 2014. Dietary Quality and Tree Cover in Africa. Global Environmental Change. 24: 287–294.
  10. Padoch, C. & Sunderland. 2014. Managing Landscapes for Food Security and Enhanced Livelihoods: Building upon a Wealth of Local Experience. Unasylva 241, Vol. 64, 2013/2
  11. Sunderland, T.C.H., A.B. Cunningham, Z. Tchoundjeu, M.L. Ngo-Mpeck. 2014. Ecology and sustainable management of the African aphrodisiac bark, Pausinystalia johimbe. In: A.B. Cunningham, B.M. Campbell & M.K. Luckert (eds). Bark: Use, management and commerce in Africa. Advances in Economic Botany 17: pp 79-93.
  12. Van Noordwijk, M. & Sunderland. 2014. Productive Landscapes: what role for forests, Trees and Agroforestry? In: Chavez-Tafur & R. Zagt (eds.) Towards Productive Landscapes. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. pp9-16
  13. Cunningham, A.B., R. Nkuinkeu, F.V. Avoncho, M.-L. Avana & Sunderland. 2014. Power, profits and policy: A reality check on the Prunus africana bark trade. CIFOR Working Paper #153, Bogor, Indonesia.
  14. Day, M, D. Gumbo, K. Moombe, A. Wijaya & Sunderland. 2014. Zambia Country Profile: Monitoring, reporting and verification for REDD+. CIFOR Occasional Paper # 113.
  15. Kozar, R., Buck, L.E., Barrow, E.G., Sunderland, T.C.H., Catacutan, D.E., Planicka, C., Hart, A.K., and L. Willemen. 2014. Toward Viable Landscape Governance Systems: What Works? Washington, DC: EcoAgriculture Partners, on behalf of the Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature Initiative.
  16. Blackie R, Baldauf C, Gautier D, Gumbo D, Kassa H, Parthasarathy N, Paumgarten F, Sola P, Pulla S, Waeber P and Sunderland T. 2014. Tropical dry forests: The state of global knowledge and recommendations for future research. Discussion Paper 2. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.


  1. Rahman, S., C. Baldauf, E. M. Mollee, A.-Al-Pavel, Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M. Mannan Toy & Sunderland. 2013. Cultivated Plants in the Diversified Homegardens of Local Communities in Ganges Valley, Bangladesh.
Science Journal of Agricultural Research and Management.
  2. Powell, B., A. Ickowitz, R. Jamnadass, C. Padoch, M. Pinedo-Vasquez & Sunderland. 2013. The role of forests, trees and wild biodiversity for nutrition-sensitive food and agricultural systems. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 63: 414. [Abstract only]
  3. Gonmadje, C., C. Doumenge, Sunderland, M. Balinga & B. Sonké. 2013. Analyse phytogéographique des forêts d’Afrique Centrale: le cas du massif de Ngovayang (Cameroun). Scripta Botanica Belgica 50: 244–256.
  4. Day, M., C. Baldauf, E. Ratshauser & Sunderland. 2013. Tree species diversity and above ground biomass in Central African rainforests. Environmental Conservation, 41: 64-72.
  5. Slik, J. W. F., Paoli, G., McGuire, K., Amaral, I., Barroso, J., Bastian, M., Blanc, L., Bongers, F., Boundja, P., Clark, C., Collins, M., Dauby, G., Ding, Y., Doucet, J.-L., Eler, E., Ferreira, L., Forshed, O., Fredriksson, G., Gillet, J.-F., Harris, D., Leal, M., Laumonier, Y., Malhi, Y., Mansor, A., Martin, E., Miyamoto, K., Araujo-Murakami, A., Nagamasu, H., Nilus, R., Nurtjahya, E., Oliveira, Á., Onrizal, O., Parada-Gutierrez, A., Permana, A., Poorter, L., Poulsen, J., Ramirez-Angulo, H., Reitsma, J., Rovero, F., Rozak, A., Sheil, D., Silva-Espejo, J., Silveira, M., Spironelo, W., ter Steege, H., Stevart, T., Navarro-Aguilar, G. E., Sunderland, T., Suzuki, E., Tang, J., Theilade, I., van der Heijden, G., van Valkenburg, J., Van Do, T., Vilanova, E., Vos, V., Wich, S., Wöll, H., Yoneda, T., Zang, R., Zhang, M.-G. and Zweifel, N. 2013. Large trees drive forest aboveground biomass variation in moist lowland forests across the tropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 22 (12): 1261-1271.
  6. Lewis, S., B. Sonke, Sunderland, S. Begne, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, G. van der Heijden, O. Phillips, K. Affum-Baffoe, T. Baker, L. Banin, 
J. Bastin, H. Beeckman, P. Boeckx, J. Bogaert, C. De Canniere, E. Chezeaux, C. Clark, M. Collins, G. Djagbletey, V. Droissart, J.-L. Doucet, 
C. Ewango, S. Fauset, T. Feldpausch, E. Foli, J. Gillet, A. Hamilton, D. Harris, T. Hart, A. Hladik, K. Hufkens, T. de Haulleville
, D. Huygens, P. Jeanmart, K. Jeffery, D. Kamdem, E. Kearsley, M. Leal, J. Lloyd, J. Lovett, J.-R. Makana, Y. Malhi, A. Marshall, L. Ojo, K. Peh, G. Pickavance, J. Poulsen, J. Reitsma, D. Sheil, M. Simo, K. Steppe, H. Taedoumg, J. Talbot, J. Taplin, D. Taylor, S. Thomas, B. Toirambe, H. Verbeeck, J. Vleminckx, L. White, S. Willcock, H. Woell & L. Zemagho. 2013. Above-ground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368: 20120295.
  7. Redford, K., C. Padoch & Sunderland. 2013. Editorial: Fads, funding and forgetting in three decades of conservation. Conservation Biology. 27: 437-438.
  8. Sayer, J., Sunderland, J. Ghazoul, J.-L. Pfund, D. Sheil, E. Meijaard, M. Venter, A.K. Boedhihartono, M. Day, C. Garcia, C. van Oosten & L. Buck. 2013. The landscape approach: ten principles to apply at the nexus of agriculture, conservation and other competing land-uses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110 (21) 8345-8348
  9. Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A Sayer and Hoang Minh-Ha (eds). 2013. Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong. Earthscan, London.
  10. Powell, B., A. Ickowitz, R. Jamnadass, C. Padoch, M. Pinedo-Vasquez & Sunderland. 2013. The role of forests, trees and wild biodiversity for nutrition-sensitive food systems and landscapes. FAO Expert Paper.
  11. Gumbo, D., B. Kaala Moombe, M. Kandulu, G. Kabwe, M. Ojanen, E. Ndhlovu and C.H. Sunderland. 2013. Dynamics of the charcoal and indigenous timber trade in Zambia: a scoping study in Eastern, Northern and Northwestern Provinces. CIFOR Occasional Paper 86.
  12. Sunderland, T.C.H., D. Roe, T. Blomley, M. Day & L. Yuliani. 2013. Linking great ape conservation and poverty alleviation: sharing experiences from Africa and Asia. InfoBrief. CIFOR. Bogor Indonesia.
  13. Redford, K., D. Roe & Sunderland. 2013. Best practice in linking conservation and poverty alleviation: the case of great apes. IIED Discussion Paper No. 11.
  14. Sunderland, T.C.H., B. Powell, A. Ickowitz, S. Foli, M. Pinedo-Vasquez, R. Nasi and C. Padoch. 2013. Food security and nutrition: the role of forests. Discussion Paper. CIFOR. Bogor, Indonesia.
  15. Roe, D & C.H. Sunderland. 2013. Biodiversity conservation: an effective mechanism for poverty alleviation? In Hari Bansha Dulal (ed) Poverty Reduction in a Changing Climate. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, USA pp 217-234.


  1. Kolinjivadi, V., & Sunderland. 2012. A review of two payment schemes for watershed services in China and Vietnam: the interface of government domination and PES theory. Ecology and Society 17 (4): 10. [online] URL:
  2. Levang, P., S. Sitorus, D. Gaveau & Sunderland. 2012. Landless farmers, sly opportunists, and manipulated voters: the squatters of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (Indonesia). Conservation and Society 10(3): 243-255.
  3. Gonmadje, C., C. Doumenge, C.H. Sunderland, M.P.B. Balinga. & Bonaventure Sonké. 2012. Analyse phytogéographique des forêts d’Afrique Centrale: le cas du massif de Ngovayang (Cameroun). Plant Ecology and Evolution 145 (2): 152–164.
  4. Minter, T., V. de Brabander, J. van der Ploeg, G. Persoon & Sunderland 2012. Whose Consent? Hunter-Gatherers and Extractive Industries in the Northeastern Philippines. Society and Natural Resources. 25(12): 1241-1257.
  5. Sunderland, T.C.H. 2012. A taxonomic revision of the rattans of Africa (Arecaceae: Calamoideae). Phytotaxa 51: 1-76.
  6. Rahman, S.A., M.H. Imam, D.J. Snelder, and Sunderland. 2012. Agroforestry for Livelihood Security in Agrarian Landscapes of the Padma Floodplain in Bangladesh. Small Scale Forestry 11(4): 529-538.
  7. Rist, L., Sunderland, D. Sheil, O. Ndoye, N. Liswanti, J. Tieguhong & P. Shanley. 2012. The impacts of selective logging on non-timber forest products of livelihood importance. Forest Ecology and Management. 268: 57-69.
  8. Sunderland, T.C.H. Forests and food security. International Institute for Asian Studies, 58: 28-29.
  9. Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A. Sayer and Minh-Ha Hoang. 2012. Introduction: evidence-based conservation from the Lower Mekong. In: Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A Sayer and Hoang Minh-Ha (eds). Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong. Earthscan, London. pp 3-14.
  10. Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A. Sayer and Minh-Ha Hoang. 2012. Lessons learned from conservation and development interventions in the Lower Mekong. In: Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A Sayer and Hoang Minh-Ha (eds). Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong. Earthscan, London. pp 421-430.
  11. Slayback, D. and Sunderland. 2012. Forest degradation in the Lower Mekong and an assessment of protected area effectiveness c1990-c2009: a satellite perspective. In: Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A Sayer and Hoang Minh-Ha (eds). Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong. Earthscan, London. pp 332-350.
  12. Blom, B., C.H. Sunderland & D. Murdyarso. 2012. Getting REDD to work in the Lower Mekong: lessons learned from Integrated Conservation and Development Projects. In: Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A Sayer and Hoang Minh-Ha (eds). Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong. Earthscan, London. pp 401-418.
  13. Sunderland, T.C.H. 2012. Calamus deërratus Mann & H. Wendl. In: M. Brink & E.G. Achigan-Dako (eds) Plant resources of Tropical Africa 16: Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp 69-72.
  14. Opuni-Frimpong, E, S. Owusu, E. Ebanyenle & T. Sunderland. 2012. Eremospatha dransfieldii In: M. Brink & E.G. Achigan-Dako (eds) Plant resources of Tropical Africa 16: Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp 155-158.
  15. Opuni-Frimpong, E, S. Owusu, E. Ebanyenle & T. Sunderland. Eremospatha macrocarpa (G. Mann & H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. In: M. Brink & E.G. Achigan-Dako (eds) Plant resources of Tropical Africa 16: Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp 158-161.
  16. Opuni-Frimpong, E, S. Owusu, E. Ebanyenle & T. Sunderland. Laccosperma secundiflorum (P. Beauv.) Küntze. In: M. Brink & E.G. Achigan-Dako (eds) Plant resources of Tropical Africa 16: Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands. pp 289-293.


  1. Arnold, M., B. Powell, P. Shanley & Sunderland. 2011. Editorial: Forests, biodiversity and food security. International Forestry Review. 13(3): 259-264.
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. 2011. Food security: why is biodiversity important? International Forestry Review. 13(3): 265-274.
  3. Rahman, A., M. Rahman & Sunderland. 2011. Causes and consequences of shifting cultivation and its alternative in the Hill Tracts of Eastern Bangladesh. Agroforestry Systems. 84: 141-155.
  4. Sunderland, T.C.H. “Forests, Trees and Human Health’ edited by Nilsson et al. (book review). International Forestry Review 13(4) 514.
  5. Gonmadje, C.F., C. Doumenge, D. McKey, G. Tchouto, C.H. Sunderland, M. Balinga & B. Sonké. 2011. Tree diversity and conservation value of Ngovanyang’s lowland forests, Cameroon. Biodiversity and Conservation 20(12): 2627-2648.
  6. Sunderland-Groves, J., D. Slayback, M. Balinga & Sunderland. 2011. Impacts of co-management on western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) habitat and conservation in Nialama Classified Forest, Republic of Guinea: a satellite perspective. Biodiversity and Conservation 20(12) 2745-2757.
  7. Pfund, J.L., J. Watts, M. Boissiere, A. Boucard, R. Bullock, A. Ekadinata, S. Dewi, L. Feintrenie, P. Levang, S. Rantala, Sunderland & Z. Urech. 2011. Understanding and integrating local perceptions of trees and forests into incentives for sustainable landscape management. Environmental Management 48: 334–349.
  8. Forboseh, P., Sunderland, M. Balinga & J.A. Comiskey. 2011. Tree population dynamics of three altitudinal vegetation communities on Mount Cameroon (1989-2004). Journal of Mountain Science 8: 495-504.
  9. Kibria, M., S. Rahman, A. Imtiaj & Sunderland. 2011. Extent and consequences of tropical forest degradation: successive policy options for Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B1: 29-37.
  10. Rahman, S.A., F.D. Paras, S.R. Khan, A. Imtiaj, K.M. Farhana, M.M. Toy, M.B. Akhand & Sunderland. 2011. Initiatives of tropical agroforestry to sustainable agriculture: A case study of Capasia Village, Northern Bangladesh. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry Vol. 3(4): 115-121.
  11. Khan, S.R. S.A. Rahman & Sunderland. 2011. Commons becoming non-commons in the efforts for reconciliation between conservation and livelihoods: a case study from northern Pakistan. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry. Vol. 3(3): 63-71.
  12. Parmentier, , R. Harrigan, W. Buermann, E. Mitchard, S. Saatchi, Y. Malhi, F. Bongers, W. Hawthorne, M. Leal, S. Lewis, L. Nusbaumer, D. Sheil, M. Sosef, A. Bakayoko, G. Chuyong, C. Chatelain, J. Comiskey, G. Dauby, J. Doucet, L. Gautier, J.F. Gillet, D. Kenfack, F. Kouamé, E. Kouassi, L. Kouka, M. Parren,. Peh, L. Poorter, J. Reitsma, B. Senterre, B. Sonké, T. Sunderland, M. Swaine, M. Tchouto, D. Thomas, J. Van Valkenburg & O. Hardy. 2011. Predicting alpha diversity of African rain forests: models based on climate and satellite-derived data do not perform better than a purely spatial model. Journal of Biogeography 38(6): 1164-1176.
  13. Sunderland, T., G. Kibria, M.G., S.A. Rahman & A. Imtiaj. 2011. Depleting tropical forest at a landscape scale: finding solutions for Bangladesh. Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences 1(1) 53-63.
  14. Meijaard, E., D. Sheil, M. Guariguata, R. Nasi, Sunderland and L. Putzel. 2011 Ecosystem services certification: opportunities and constraints. Occasional Paper 66. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.
  15. Sunderland, T.C.H., Harrison & O. Ndoye. 2011. NTFPs and conservation: what prospects? In: S. Shackleton, D. Mitchell, C. Shackleton & P. Shanley (eds) Non-timber forest products in the global context. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp 209-226.
  16. Colfer, C., J.L. Pfund, E. Andriamampandry, S. Asaha, A. Boucard, M. Boissiere, L. Feintrenie, V. Ingram, E. Lyimo, E. Martini, S. Rantala, M. Roberts, Sunderland, H. V, Vongvilai & J. Watts. 2011. An introduction to five tropical landscapes, their people and their governance. In: C. Colfer & J.L. Pfund (eds) Collaborative governance of tropical landscapes. Earthscan, London. pp 1-34.
  17. Ingram, V., Asaha, T. Sunderland & A. Tajoacha. 2011. Governance and NTFP chains in the Takamanda-Mone landscape, Cameroon. In: C. Colfer & J.L. Pfund (eds) Collaborative governance of tropical landscapes. Earthscan, London. pp 183-216.
  18. Colfer, C., E. Andriamampandry, S. Asaha, I.uki, A. Boucard, L. Feintrenie, V. Ingram, M. Roberts, Sunderland & Z. Urech. 2011. Minefields in collaborative governance. In: C. Colfer & J.L. Pfund (eds) Collaborative governance of tropical landscapes. Earthscan, London. pp 233-270.
  19. Colfer, C. J.L. Pfund & Sunderland. 2011. The essential task of “muddling through” to better landscape governance. In: C. Colfer & J.L. Pfund (eds) Collaborative governance of tropical landscapes. Earthscan, London. pp 271-279.


  1. Curran, B., Sunderland, F. Maisels, S. Asaha, M. Balinga, L. Defo, A. Dunn, K. von Loebenstein, J. Oates, P. Roth, P. Telfer and L. Usongo. 2010. ‘Response to Is the displacement of people from parks only ‘purported’ or is it real? (Schmidt-Soltau 2009). Conservation and Society. 8(2): 99-102.
  2. Blom, B., C.H. Sunderland & D. Murdyarso. 2010. Getting REDD to work locally: lessons learned from Integrated Conservation and Development Projects. Environmental Science & Policy. 13(2): 164-172.
  3. Gunarso, P., T. Setyawati, T. Sunderland & C. Shackleton (eds.) 2010. Mengelola sumber daya hutan di era desentralisasi: pembelajaran dari Hutan Penelitian Malinau, Kalimantan. Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor. ISBN: 978-979-24-4688-3
  4. Seymour, F. R. Nasi & Sunderland. 2010. Biodiversity: the essence of forest goods and services. Climate Action 2010-2011. United Nations Environment Programme. pp 138-140.
  5. Laird, S.A. V. Ingram, A. Awono, O. Ndoye, Sunderland, E. Lisinge & R. Nkuinkeu. 2010. Bringing Together Customary and Statutory Systems: The Struggle to Develop a Legal and Policy Framework for NTFPs in Cameroon. In: S.A. Laird, R.J. McLain & Rachel Paula Wynberg (eds). Wild product governance. Earthscan, London. pp 53-70.
  6. Sunderland, T., S. Asaha, M. Balinga & O. Isoni. Regulatory Issues for Bush Mango (Irvingia spp.) Trade in South-west Cameroon and South-east Nigeria In: S.A. Laird, R.J. McLain & Rachel Paula Wynberg (eds). Wild product governance. Earthscan, London. pp 77-84.
  7. Gunarso, P., K. Dwi Santosa, C. Shackleton, Sunderland, B. Campbell, H. Priyadi, P. Levang, D. Sheil & E. Dounias. 2010. Menuju pengelolaan hutan yang berkelanjutan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan di hutan tropis: pembelajaran dan kesimpulan. In: Gunarso, P., T. Setyawati, T. Sunderland & C. Shackleton (eds.) Mengelola sumber daya hutan di era desentralisasi: pembelajaran (atau hikmah) dari Hutan Penelitian Malinau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H., J.L. Sunderland-Groves, P. Shanley and B. Campbell. 2009. Bridging the gap: How can information access and exchange between conservation biologists and field practitioners be improved for better conservation outcomes? Biotropica. 41(5): 549-554.
  2. Curran, B., Sunderland, F. Maisels, J. Oates, S. Asaha, M. Balinga, L. Defo, A. Dunn, P. Telfer, L. Usongo, K. von Loebenstein and P. Roth. 2009. Are Central Africa’s protected areas displacing hundreds of thousands of rural poor? Conservation and Society. 7(1): 30-45.
  3. Sandker, M., B.M. Campbell, Z. Nzooh, Sunderland, V. Amougou, L. Defo & J. Sayer. 2009. Exploring the effectiveness of integrated conservation and development interventions in a Central African forest landscape. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18: 2875-2892.
  4. Lewis S.L., G. Lopez-Gonzalez, B. Sonké, K. Affum-Baffoe, T. Baker, Ojo, O. Phillips, J. Reitsma, L. White, J. Comiskey, C. Ewango, T. Feldpausch, A. Hamilton, E. Gloor, T. Hart, A Hladik, M.-N. Kamdem, J. Lloyd, J. Lovett, J.-R. Makana, Y. Malhi, F. Mbago, H. Ndangalasi, J. Peacock, K. Peh, D. Sheil, T. Sunderland, M. Swaine, J. Taplin, D. Taylor, S. Thomas, R. Votere, H. Wöll. 2009. Increasing carbon storage in intact African tropical forests. Nature. 457: 1003-1007.
  5. Campese, J., T. Sunderland, T. Greiber & G. Oviedo (eds) 2009. Rights Based Approaches: Exploring Issues and Opportunities for Conservation. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor. ISBN 978-979-1412-89-6
  6. Hoang, M.Y. &C.H. Sunderland. 2009. Losing Less and Winning More: Building Capacity to go Beyond the Trade Offs Between Conservation and Development in the Lower Mekong. CIFOR Livelihood Brief No. 12. [Also in Vietnamese]
  7. Campese, J., Sunderland, T. Greiber and G. Oviedo. 2009. A roadmap for readers. In: Campese, J. T. Sunderland, T. Greiber and G. Oviedo (eds). Rights Based Approaches: Exploring Issues and Opportunities for Conservation. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor. pp 9-14.
  8. Campese, J., Sunderland, T. Greiber and G. Oviedo. 2009. What have we learned and where do we go from here? In: Campese, J. T. Sunderland, T. Greiber and G. Oviedo (eds). Rights Based Approaches: Exploring Issues and Opportunities for Conservation. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor. pp 287-305.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H., M.P.B. Balinga, S. Asaha & R. Malleson. 2008. The utilization and management of African rattans: Constraints to sustainable supply through cultivation. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 38(4): 337-353.
  2. Malleson, R., S. Asaha, Sunderland, P. Burnham, M. Egot, K. Obeng-Okrah, I. Ukpe & W. Miles. 2008. A methodology for assessing rural livelihood strategies in West/Central Africa: lessons from the field. Ecological and Environmental Anthropology. 4(1): 1-12.
  3. Van Valkenberg, J.L.C.H. & C.H. Sunderland. 2008. A revision of the genus Podococcus (Arecaceae). Kew Bulletin. 63: 251-260.
  4. Van Valkenberg, J.L.C.H. & C.H. Sunderland. 2008. A revision of the genus Sclerosperma (Arecaceae). Kew Bulletin. 63: 75-86.
  5. Sunderland, T.C.H., C. Ehringhaus & B.M. Campbell. 2008. Conservation and development in tropical forest landscapes: a time to face the trade-offs? Environmental Conservation. 34(4): 276-279.
  6. Sunderland, T.C.H. “Environmental Anthropology: a historical reader” by Michael Dove and Carol Carpenter (Book review). Journal of Ethnobiology. 28(2): 323-324.


  1. Parmentier, I., Y. Malhi, B. Senterre, R. J. Whittaker, A Alonso, M.P.B. Balinga, A. Bakayoko, F. Bongers, C. Chatelain, J. Comiskey, R. Cortay, M.-N. Kamdem, J.-L. Doucet, L. Gautier, W. D. Hawthorne, Y. Issembe, F. Kouamé, L. Kouka, M. Leal, J. Lejoly, S. Lewis, L. Nusbaumer, M. Parren, K. Peh, O. Phillips, L. Poorter, D. Sheil, B. Sonké, M. Sosef, Sunderland, J. Stropp, H. Ter Steege, M. Swaine, M. Tchouto, B. Van Gemerden, J. Van Valkenburg, H. Wöll. 2007. The odd man out? Might climate explain the lower tree alpha diversity of African rain forests relative to Amazonian rain forests. Journal of Ecology. 95: 1058-1071.
  2. Van Valkenberg, J., C.H. Sunderland, L. Ngok-Banak & Yves Issembé. 2007. Sclerosperma and Podococcus in Gabon. Palms. 50(2). 77-83.
  3. Forboseh, P., N.M. Eno & C.H. Sunderland. 2007. Priority setting for conservation in south-west Cameroon based on large mammal surveys. Oryx. 41(2): 255-262.
  4. Gunarso, P., T. Setyawati, T. Sunderland & C. Shackleton (eds.) 2007. Managing Forest Resources in a Decentralized Environment: Lessons Learnt from the Malinau Research Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor. ISBN: 978-979-24-4688-3
  5. Sunderland, T.C.H. 2007. A field guide to the rattans of Africa. Kew Publishing. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN: 978-1-842461-80-8
  6. Gunarso, P., K. Dwi Santosa, C. Shackleton, Sunderland, B. Campbell, H. Priyadi, P. Levang, D. Sheil & E. Dounias. 2007. Towards Sustainable Forest Management and Improved Livelihoods in Tropical Forests: Lessons and Conclusions. In: Gunarso, P., T. Setyawati, T. Sunderland & C. Shackleton (eds.) Managing Forest Resources in a Decentralized Environment: Lessons Learnt from the Malinau Research Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor.
  7. Maisels, F., C.H. Sunderland, B. Curran, K. Von Liebenstein, J. Oates, L. Usongo, A. Dunn, S. Asaha, M. Balinga, L. Defo & P. Telfer. 2007. Central Africa’s protected areas and the purported displacement of people: a first critical review of existing data. In: K.H. Redford and E. Fearn (eds). Protected areas and human displacement. Wildlife Conservation Society Working Paper no. 29: 75-90.
  8. Capistrano, D., M. Kanninen, M. Guariguata, C. Barr, C.H. Sunderland & D. Raitzer. 2007. Revitalising the United Nations Forum on Forests: Critical issues and ways forward. Forests and Governance Programme Paper No. 10. Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Bogor. Indonesia.


  1. Balinga, M., M. Sainge, E. Fombod, C.H. Sunderland, C. Sakwe and S. Asaha. 2006. A preliminary assessment of the vegetation of the Dzanga-Sangha Protected Area Complex, Central African Republic. A report for the Central African Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE/USAID).
  2. Malleson, R., Sunderland, S. Asaha, M. Egot, K. Obeng-Okrah & I. Ukpe. 2006. A socially differentiated overview of the significance of rattan cane for rural livelihoods in Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria. Final Socio-Economic Report (R7636) to the Forestry Research Programme of UK’s Department for International Development.
  3. Sunderland, T.C.H. 2006. A biodiversity assessment of the Monte Mitra forest, Monte Alen National Park, Equatorial Guinea. A report for the Central African Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE/USAID).
  4. Balinga, M., C.H. Sunderland, G. Walters, Y. Issembe, E. Fombod and S. Asaha. 2006. A vegetation assessment of the Waka National Park, Gabon. A report for the Central African Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE/USAID).


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. and M.P.B. Balinga. 2005. A preliminary vegetation assessment of the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Congo (French version). A report for the Central African Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE).
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H., V Beligné, L. Bonnehin, E. Ebanyenle, A. Oteng-Amoako & E.J. Zouzou. 2005. Taxonomy, population dynamics and utilisation of the rattan palms of Upper Guinea. In: F. Bongers, M.P.E. Parren & D. Traoré (eds). Forest climbers of West Africa: diversity, ecology and management. CABI Publishing. pp 147-167.
  3. Sunderland, T.C.H. Rattan in Central Africa. In: C. Lopez & P. Shanley (eds). Riches of the forest: for health, life and spirit in Africa. Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor. pp 69-73.
  4. Sunderland, T.C.H. Indigenous classification and utilisation of African rattans. In: L. Maffi & T. Carlson (eds.) Ethnobotany, and Conservation of Biocultural Diversity. Advances in Economic Botany. 15: 175-213.
  5. Sunderland, T.C.H. Preliminary assessment of the biodiversity importance and management potential of the Takamanda Forest Reserve, Cameroon: An important habitat of the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli). In J.L. Sunderland Groves and B. Jaff (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop and Conference on the Conservation of the Cross River Gorilla. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. pp 39-46.
  6. Sunderland, T.C.H., G. Walters and Yves Issembe. Etude preliminaire de la vegetation du parc national de Mbe, Monts de Cristal, Gabon. A report for the Central African Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE/USAID).


  1. Pérez, M.R., B. Belcher, R. Achdiawan, M. Alexiades, C. Aubertin, J. Caballero, B. Campbell, C. Clement, A. Cunningham, A. Fantini, H. De Foresta, C.G. Fernandez, K.H. Gautam, P. Martinez, W. De Jong, K. Kusters, M. Kutty, C. Lopez, M. Fu, M. Martinez, T. Nair, O. Ndoye, R. Ocampo, N. Rai, M. Ricker, K. Schrekenberg, S. Shackleton, P. Shanley, Sunderland & Y. Youn. 2004. Markets drive the specialisation strategies for forest peoples. Ecology and Society. 9(2): 4
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. & O. Ndoye. (eds.) 2004. Forest products, livelihoods and conservation: Case studies of NTFP systems Vol 2. Africa. Centre for International Forestry Research. Bogor. ISBN: 979-3361-23-9
  3. Clark, L.E. & T.C.H. Sunderland (eds.) 2004. The key NTFP’s of Central Africa: a state-of-the-knowledge. USAID Technical Paper No. 122.
  4. Johnson, D.V. & T.C.H. Sunderland. 2004. Rattan glossary and compendium glossary with emphasis on Africa. FAO Non-Wood Forest Products Series No. 16. ISBN: 92-5-105095.
  5. Sunderland, T.C.H., G. Walters and Yves Issembe. 2004. A preliminary vegetation assessment of the Mbé National Park, Monts de Cristal, Gabon. A report for the Central African Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE/USAID).
  6. Sunderland, T.C.H., Harrison & O. Ndoye. 2004. Commercialisation of non-timber forest products in Africa: history, context and prospects. In: T.C.H. Sunderland & O. Ndoye. (eds.). Forest products, livelihoods and conservation: Case studies of NTFP systems Vol 2. Africa. Centre for International Forestry Research. Bogor. pp 1-25.
  7. Sunderland, T.C.H.,P. Balinga & M.A. Dione. 2004. The rattan sector of Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea. In: T.C.H. Sunderland & O. Ndoye. (eds.). Forest products, livelihoods and conservation: Case studies of NTFP systems Vol 2. Africa. Centre for International Forestry Research. Bogor. pp 275-290.
  8. Sunderland, T.C.H., W.J. Baker, J. Dransfield & M. Cheek. 2004. Palmae. In: M. Cheek, B.J. Pollard, I. Darbyshire, J.M. Onana & C. Wild (eds). The plants of Kupe, Mwanenguba and the Bakossi mountains: a conservation checklist. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp 471-472.
  9. Clark, L.E. & C.H. Sunderland. 2004. CARPE: Building knowledge of the non-timber forest product sector in Central Africa. In: L.E. Clark & T.C.H. Sunderland (eds.) The key NTFP’s of Central Africa: a state-of-the-knowledge. USAID Technical Paper No. 122. pp 1-10.
  10. Sunderland, T.C.H. B. Cunningham, Z. Tchoundjeu, M.L. Ngo-Mpeck & S.A. Laird. 2004. Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe). In: L.E. Clark & T.C.H. Sunderland (eds.) The key NTFP’s of Central Africa: a state-of-the-knowledge. USAID Technical Paper No. 122. pp 121-138.
  11. Mahop, T., A. Uden, S. Asaha, N. Ndam & C.H. Sunderland. 2004. Iboga (Tabernanthe iboga). In: L.E. Clark & T.C.H. Sunderland (eds.) The key NTFP’s of Central Africa: a state-of-the-knowledge. USAID Technical Paper No. 122. pp 163-173.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. Two new species of rattan (Palmae: Calamoideae) from the forests of West and Central Africa. Kew Bulletin. 58:987-990.
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. & J.P. Profizi (eds.) 2003. New research on African rattans. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) Proceedings No. 9. Beijing, China. ISBN: 962-85124-201-8 (available in English & French)
  3. Comiskey, J.A., T.C.H. Sunderland & J.L. Sunderland-Groves (eds.) 2003. Takamanda: the biodiversity of an African rainforest. Smithsonian Institution Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program. Washington DC. Vol. 8. ISBN: 1-893912-12-4.
  4. Asaha, S., R. Malleson, Sunderland & P. Burnham. 2003. Land tenure and its implications for rattan cultivation in South-West Province, Cameroon. African Rattan Research Programme Briefing Note No. 1.
  5. Morakinyo, T., M. Egot, U. Ukpe, R. Malleson & Sunderland. 2003. Land tenure and its implications for rattan cultivation in Cross River State, Nigeria. African Rattan Research Programme Briefing Note No. 3.
  6. Obeng-Okrah, K., A. Oteng-Amoaku, R. Malleson, Sunderland & P. Burnham. 2003. Land tenure and its implications for rattan cultivation in Ghana’s Western Region. African Rattan Research Programme Briefing Note No. 2.
  7. Sunderland, T.C.H. The rattans of West and Central Africa: an overview. In: T.C.H. Sunderland & J.P. Profizi (eds.) New research on African rattans. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) Proceedings No, 9. Beijing, China. pp 5-16.
  8. Sunderland, T.C.H. & J.P. Nkefor. Technology transfer between Asia and Africa: rattan cultivation and processing. In: T.C.H. Sunderland & J.P. Profizi (eds.) New research on African rattans. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) Proceedings No. 9. Beijing, China. pp 79-90.
  9. Sunderland, T.C.H., L. Defo, N. Ndam, M. Dione & I. Tamnjong. 2003. A socio-economic profile of the rattan trade in Cameroon. In: T.C.H. Sunderland & J.P. Profizi (eds.) New research on African rattans. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) Proceedings No. 9. Beijing, China. pp 115-140.
  10. Sunderland-Groves, J.L., C.H. Sunderland, J.A. Comiskey, J.S.O. Ayeni & M. Mdaihli. 2003. The Takamanda Forest Reserve, Cameroon. In: J.A. Comiskey, T.C.H. Sunderland & J.L. Sunderland-Groves (eds.). Takamanda: the biodiversity of an African rainforest. Smithsonian Institution’s Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program. Washington DC. Vol. 8. pp 1-7.
  11. Sunderland, T.C.H.A. Comiskey, S. Besong, H. Mboh, J. Fonwebon & M.A. Dione. 2003. The vegetation of the Takamanda Forest Reserve, Cameroon. In: J.A. Comiskey, T.C.H. Sunderland & J.L. Sunderland-Groves (eds.) Takamanda: the biodiversity of an African rainforest. Smithsonian Institution’s Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program. Washington DC. Vol. 8. pp 19-54.
  12. Sunderland, T.C.H. & N. Eno. 2003. Wildlife Conservation Society’s Cameroon-Nigeria Transboundary Surveys Project: Review of progress and recommendations for further surveys, capacity building and dissemination. A report to Wildlife Conservation Society, Cameroon and New York.
  13. Sunderland, T.C.H., S. Besong & J.S.O. Ayeni. 2003. Distribution, utilisation and sustainability of the non-timber forest products of the Takamanda Forest Reserve. In: J.A. Comiskey, T.C.H. Sunderland & J.L. Sunderland-Groves (eds.) Takamanda: the biodiversity of an African rainforest. Smithsonian Institution’s Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program. Washington DC. Vol. 8. pp 155-172.
  14. Sunderland, T.C.H., J.L. Sunderland-Groves, J.A. Comiskey, J.S.O. Ayeni & M. Mdaihli. 2003. Future conservation and management of the Takamanda Forest Reserve, Cameroon. In: J.A. Comiskey, T.C.H. Sunderland & J.L. Sunderland-Groves (eds.) Takamanda: the biodiversity of an African rainforest. Smithsonian Institution’s Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program. Washington DC. Vol. 8. pp 181-182.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. Two new species of rattan (Palmae: Calamoideae) from Africa. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan. 1(4): 361-369.
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. Hapaxanthy and pleonanthy in African rattans. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan 1(2): 28-42.
  3. Sunderland, T.C.H. & T. Morakinyo. 2002. Nypa fruticans, a weed in West Africa. Palms. 46(3): 154-155.
  4. Sunderland, T.C.H., P.B. Balinga & J. Groves. 2002. The cane bridges of the Takamanda region, Cameroon. Palms. 46(2): 93-95.
  5. Sunderland, T.C.H., P.C. Blackmore, N. Ndam & J.P. Nkefor. 2002. The Conservation through Cultivation programme at the Limbe Botanic Garden. In: M. Maunder, C. Clubbe, C. Hankamer & M. Groves (eds.) Plant Conservation in the Tropics: Perspectives and Practice. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp 398-419.
  6. Sunderland, T.C.H., A.B. Cunningham, Z. Tchoundjeu, M.L. Ngo-Mpeck & S.A. Laird. Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe). In: P. Shanley, A. Pierce, S. Laird & A. Guillen (eds.) Tapping the green market; certification and management of non-timber forest products. Earthscan. London. pp 215-224.
  7. Sunderland, T.C.H. & J. Dransfield. 2002a. Rattans. In: P. Shanley, A. Pierce, S. Laird & A. Guillen (eds.) Tapping the green market; certification and management of non-timber forest products. London. pp 225-239.
  8. Sunderland, T.C.H. & J. Dransfield. 2002b. Species profiles: rattans. In: J. Dransfield, F.O. Tesoro & N. Manokaran (eds) Rattan: current research issues and prospects for conservation and sustainable development. Food and Agriculture Organisation: Non-Wood Forest Products # 14. pp 9-22.
  9. Sunderland, T.C.H. Status of rattan resources and use in West and Central Africa. In: J. Dransfield, F.O. Tesoro & N. Manokaran (eds) Rattan: Current research issues and prospects for conservation and sustainable development. Food and Agriculture Organisation: Non-Wood Forest Products # 14. pp 77-88.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. Rattan resources and use in West and Central Africa. Unasylva 52(205): 18-26.
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. & I. Osoni. 2001. A review of the non-timber forest product sector of Cross River State, Nigeria with recommendations for development-based interventions. Environmental Resources Management (ERM) under contract to the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) in collaboration with the Cross River State Forest Commission.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H., Z. Tchoundjeu & M.L. Ngo-Mpeck. 2000. The exploitation of Pausinystalia johimbe. Medicinal Plant Conservation 6: 21-23.
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. & C. Tako. 2000. The exploitation of Prunus africana on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea. Medicinal Plant Conservation 6: 18-20 Sunderland, T.C.H. 1996. Botanic Gardens and Benefit Sharing. Biological Resources. 1(2): 10-13.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. Two new species of rattan (Palmae: Calamoideae) from Africa. World Bamboo and Rattan. 1(2): 24-27.
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. & N. Ndam. 1995a. The Mount Cameroon Project: Limbe Botanic Garden & Herbarium. Biodiversity and Conservation. 4: 440-441.
  3. Sunderland, T.C.H. & N. Ndam. 1995b. The Limbe Botanic Garden, Cameroon. Biological Conservation. No. 140: 2-3.
  4. Sunderland, T.C.H. & N. Ndam. 1995c. Note on Mount Cameroon. Mountain Protected Areas Update. September.
  5. Sunderland, T.C.H., L.E. Clark & P. Vantomme (eds.) 1999. The Non-Wood Forest Products of Central Africa: Current Research Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Development. Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Rome. (available in English & French)
  6. Nkefor, N.P. N. Ndam, P.C. Blackmore & C.H. Sunderland. 1999. The Conservation through Cultivation Programme at the Limbe Botanic Garden: Achievements and Benefits. In: T.C.H. Sunderland, L. Clark & P. Vantomme (eds). 1999. The Non-Wood Forest Products of Central Africa: Current Research Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Development. Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Rome. pp 79-86.
  7. Sunderland, T.C.H. & C. Obama. A Preliminary Market Survey of the Non-Wood Forest Products of Equatorial Guinea. In: T.C.H. Sunderland, L. Clark & P. Vantomme (eds). The Non-Wood Forest Products of Central Africa: Current Research Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Development. Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Rome. pp 211-220.
  8. Sunderland, T.C.H. -L. Ngo-Mpeck, Z. Tchoundjeu & A. Akoa. 1999. The Ecology and Sustainability of Pausinystalia johimbe. In: T.C.H. Sunderland, L. Clark & P. Vantomme (eds) The Non-Wood Forest Products of Central Africa: Current Research Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Development. Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Rome. pp 67-78.
  9. Sunderland, T.C.H. New research into African Rattans: An important NWFP from the Forests of Central Africa. In: T.C.H. Sunderland, L. Clark & P. Vantomme (eds) The Non-Wood Forest Products of Central Africa: Current Research Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Development. Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Rome. pp 87-98.
  10. Sunderland, T.C.H. Recent Research into African Rattans (Palmae): A valuable non-wood forest product from the forests of Central Africa. In: R. Bacilieri & S. Appanah (eds). Rattan Cultivation: Achievements, Problems and Prospects. CIRAD-Forêt & Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpar. pp 227-236.
  11. Sunderland, T.C.H. & Ndam. 1999. The role of the Limbe Botanic Garden in the conservation and development of the Mount Cameroon region. In: D.H. Touchell & K.W. Dixon (eds). Conservation into the 21st Century. Kings Park Press, Australia. pp 277-286.
  12. Sunderland, T.C.H. and P. Tchouto. 1999. A participatory survey and inventory of timber and non-timber forest products of the Mokoko River. Report for Intermediate Result 1/CARPE.
  13. Sunderland, T.C.H. and C.T. Tako. 1999. The exploitation of Prunus africana on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea. A Report for the People and Plants Initiative, WWF-Germany and the IUCN/SSC Medicinal Plant Specialist Group


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. & J. Dransfield. 1998. Palmae. In: S. Cable & M. Cheek (eds). The plants of Mount Cameroon: a conservation checklist. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp 179-180.
  2. Sunderland, T.C.H. Equatorial Guinea – The State of the NWFP Sector. In: L. Clark & N. Tchamou (eds). Non-Wood Forest Products in Central Africa – A State of the Sector. Central African Regional Programme for the Environment (CARPE). Washington DC. 34pp.
  3. Sunderland, T.C.H. 1998. The rattans of Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea: Utilisation, biology and distribution. A report for the Proyecto Conservacion y Utilizacion Racionale de los Ecosystemas Forestales de Guinea Equatorial (funded by the European Union)


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. & J.P. Nkefor. Conservation through cultivation, a case study: the propagation of Prunus africana. Tropical Agriculture 17(4): 5-13.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. and N. Ndam. 1996. The Limbe Botanic Garden and medicinal plants. In: S. Laird (ed). The medicinal plants of the Limbe Botanic Garden. PresPrint, Limbe, Cameroon. pp 1-4.


  1. Sunderland, T.C.H. 1993. Medicinal Plants and Conservation in Cameroon. Earthwatch Earthcorps. No. 137: September.